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Compensation & Benefits Review

Thank you for your interest in submitting an article to Compensation & Benefits Review. Feature articles should target the information needs of compensation and benefits specialists, including compensation and benefits strategies and management, trends, plan design, new laws and regulations affecting compensation and benefits plans, and so on. We also welcome case studies, opinion pieces, research findings, and interviews. Whenever possible, include tables, graphs, charts, and sidebars.

Submit articles on 3.5” diskette (or by e-mail file transfer) in Word for Windows 6.0 or 7.0 or Wordperfect 5.1. (However, we can translate other word processing programs, if necessary.) Include two double-spaced hard copies of your manuscript with your disk. ***VERY IMPORTANT*** Please check your disk (or e-mail file) for viruses--also for defects--to ensure that your article is, indeed, retrievable. Also, please identify the software programs you are using on the disk itself.

We ask that you present feature articles as follows:

1. Length: 4,200 to 10,500 words; Font: Courier 10cpi.

2. Style: Enhance the article with boldface, italic, and bold italic commands only. Keep software commands simple--i.e., don't use complicated publishing programs. Use the small letter "o" in place of bullets; two hyphens for a long dash.

3. Put all tables, graphs, and sidebars, etc. at the end of the article, each on a separate page, and label as Exhibit 1, 2, 3, etc. Include appropriate references to the exhibits in the text.

4. Submit exhibits either on disk or hard copy only. We have complex exhibits set by our graphics designer. NOTE: You must supply datapoints for graphs and charts that we set. Submit original drawings, if possible, for reproduction of artwork.

5. Include a short biography and a one-to-two paragraph executive summary with the article.

6. Mail a head-shot photo of each author directly to H. Raquel Herreros at the American Management Association at the address below.

Additional presentation suggestions: • Maintain a lively, readable style. Use subheads and vivid verbs. Make sentences active, not passive (e.g., instead of "Employees were asked what they thought about their compensation program," write "The company asked employees what they thought...."). Always identify who is doing the asking, planning, etc.

• Spell out all acronyms on the first reference.

• Avoid literature citations in footnotes. If you do cite sources, place the citations in Endnotes or in parentheses within the text, not in footnotes.

• Please include the full first names of any authors referenced.

Specific permission to quote from copyrighted material is to be included on a separate page or in the cover letter. Permission is required for quotations of more than 150 words, for tables or exhibits previously published elsewhere, and for shorter material quoted in substantial part.

As we do not have a fact-checking department, authors are responsible for verifying the accuracy of the information in their articles--including math, spelling, style of company names, and individual names and titles cited.

We take submission of a manuscript to be the author's representation that the manuscript is not currently under consideration by another periodical and that it has not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere.

The review process takes approximately 4-6 weeks. Upon publication, we provide each author with two copies of the issue in which the article appears as well as a total of 100 article reprints (to be shared when there are several authors). Additional copies of the issue or additional reprints may be ordered at an author’s discount price.

Mail articles to: Linda Bennett, Editor, (E-mail: or Michael Hickins, Associate Editor (E-mail: at the American Management Association.

Send photos and bios to: H. Raquel Herreros, Senior Editorial Assistant, at the American Management Association. For further information, call Raquel Herreros at 212-903-8457.

Compensation & Benefits Review
American Management Association
1601 Broadway
New York, NY 10019-7420
E-mail: see above

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